Select 1/4oz Deals for $30, $40, or $50 (incl. tax) + 20% off ALL 1/4oz’s of flower

#platinumcookiesfrom @tj’sorganicgardens is so #caked ?????? in #trichomes ??? it breaks apart like a honeycomb! Serious #frostfactory on this one! #tjsorganicgardens #organic #pnwcannabis #420macromob #macromob ??: @bloodsweatandweed
@oregonleaf @hightimesmagazine @dopemagazine #420 #weshouldsmoke #cannabis #weed #marijuana #medicalmarijuana #recreationalmarijuana #maryjane #iwillmarrymary #weedstagram #cannabiscommunity #oregoncannabisfam #oregonleaf #hightimes #dopemagazine
***For use by adults 21 years and over/OMMP patients only. Keep out of reach of children. It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle under the influence